News StoryAvenue MIA
Johan Klok

Violent expat home invasion in the Vilcabamba area

On Monday, June 10, 2024, an expat couple became the victims of a violent home invasion in El Carmen, a village 12 km north of Vilcabamba. This is one of many home invasions in the Vilcabamba area, but the violent nature of this incident makes it stand out.

Below you can read a document that was published about this home invasion. I don't know who the author of the document is, but Nicholas Crowder, one of the administrators of the Ecuador Expat Discussion Facebook group and in contact with the victims, told me that the documents accurately describe what happened during the home invasion.


(document has been reviewed and approved by the victims)

Date and Time of Incident.
Monday 10th June - 8 masked robbers (7 men - 1 woman), some with guns, walked freely onto the property between 6.15 and 6.30 in the evening. This means they walked up just before dark. Take serious note of that, people ... and do whatever you need to do to adjust your thinking and preparation moving forward.

The victims are a US couple in their 70s.

It would seem these monsters who are destroying the fabric, amenity, and overall ambience of this regional community are mostly young ... men in their 20s, for the most part. The fact a woman was involved in this crime is even more disturbing, given the horror of what took place. We think they are local … a blend of Vilcabamba & Malacatos.

Circumstances of the Attack
1. At the time of the attack, the woman was outside in the back garden area of the property’s grounds.
2. Her husband was in the house.
3. Although the house itself is well enough secured, the house was NOT yet locked, because the victims were still in the mode of moving freely about their property, prior to locking down for the night.
4. This underscores the need for increased vigilance and awareness in the latter part of the late afternoon/evening … such that you don’t get taken by surprise on your own grounds PRIOR to locking down for the night.
5. Victims were quickly apprehended/overcome, gagged, hog-tied and abused … for the following nearly TWELVE hours.

Nature of the Attack.
1. The perpetrators were on-site for a little less than twelve full hours, leaving in the early hours of the following morning (about 6am or thereabouts).
2. For a variety of reasons, we believe at least some of these criminals are high on "base" or some other chemical stimulant at the time they attack.
3. They were well-dressed, mostly in black, and did not smell of alcohol or appear to be drunk ... but as they settled in for the night, they smoked pot, danced, joked, mocked, and otherwise humiliated the victims. They took their time.
4. The woman was repeatedly RAPED and SODOMIZED … by one of these monsters ... over the course of these many hours.
5. The property was completely stripped by these criminals … they took EVERYTHING, down to the carpets, furniture, appliances, and food in the cupboards.
6. An accomplice (or accomplices) … possibly a criminal taxista … probably arrived at some point to help them load up all this stolen property.

Subsequent Events.
After eventually freeing themselves, the male victim traveled by taxi to the Malacatos UPC and reported the crime. Two police-officers returned with him to the house, to clarify events further, which is when they were informed of the rape. The police-officers then left, saying they would soon return … but never came back. No kind of formal crime-scene recording or investigation was apparently even attempted … then or since. It is worth noting a variety of factors here: language-barriers, a lack of professionalism and duty of care from the police, and a lack of understanding of formal/necessary process (from both police and victims) … contributed to a situation wherein at the end of the day, only the ROBBERY aspect of this crime was noted in the Fiscalia in Loja, but NOT the rape.
This was subsequently rectified in recent days with the assistance of knowledgeable (and bilingual) volunteer-citizens, who helped the victims complete this arduous process … such that the case is now properly lodged, with ALL the requisite crimes and details recorded. The Fiscalia is now AWARE we have a serious situation in the region. There is much to be said here which is not for this document … in respect of how shambolic and unprofessional police-procedure was in this case (as well as many others). This level of apathy, negligence, lack of formal process, lack of victim-care (referral to appropriate medical authorities, etc) … not to mention potential complicity … will be addressed with higher authorities.

Response and Immediate Actions.
Clearly we need to take these violent sickos off the board. To address this serious threat, it is imperative to disseminate accurate information about the state of play … and thereby dispel incorrect and unhelpful rumors. This document serves as an accurate historical record of the crime (and overarching regional criminal context) … and is also a platform … from which we can inform and support ongoing efforts to apprehend these dangerous criminals.

Additional Analysis - Bigger Picture - Moving Forward.
1. This attack signifies an escalation in heinousness and depravity … that is unparalleled in respect of incidents seen in recent months and years. Accordingly, we are at an altogether new situational threat level.
2. Notwithstanding that rape was not a factor elsewhere, the MO of this attack has been similar in at least two other instances … those other crimes having taken place in recent months in Cucanama and Santorum.
3. Elderly gringos, particularly women, living in isolated locations ... appear to be the preferred target/demographic.
4. This latest atrocity is an extremely disturbing escalation. The perpetrators displayed a level of cruelty and vindictiveness beyond mere robbery … indicating possible gringo-hatred.
5. Most disturbingly, there is serious reason to believe that one or two key people in Vilcabamba ... are significantly infiltrated within the expat-community, and proactively ingratiate themselves into gringo confidences, groups, and activities ... with a view to targeting perceived gringo wealth ... by whatever means possible. Every day, such individuals are actively profiling and targeting specific gringos ... in order to potentially unleash these attack-dogs as and when necessary (assuming they haven't found other ways to relieve these gringos of their wealth in some ongoing and less violent way).
6. Accordingly, expats in Vilcabamba and surrounds would be very well advised to exercise extreme caution in dealings with locals who fit this criteria … wherein potentially sensitive and actionable information is being gleaned in any way, shape or form. The level of care/caution one must take in this respect cannot be stressed enough. You may indeed already be “friends” with such an individual. If you think you need to pull back from a person like this, do it. Be. Very. Careful.

1. Obviously, people need to GET REAL about the inherent hostility of the environment we are currently faced with. As someone once said, "Adapt or Die."
2. This is the regional reality at the moment, and we need to think, prepare, and respond accordingly.
3. How people do this is up to them … but continuing to live in any kind of “Shangri-La” dream-world … is clearly not an option at the present time.
4. Preventative measures might include … Fences, Alarms, Cameras, Floodlights, Motion-Sensor-Lights, Serious Dogs, Neighborhood Watch Groups, Neighborhood Cameras, Walkie-Talkies, WhatsApp/Telegram Groups. Collaboration. Plus whatever else works for your situation. Figure it out.
5. Unless and until we get some kind of serious professional and meaningful response from the so-called "authorities" here ... we are on our own, people. Act accordingly ... in every sense of the word. Better to be judged by twelve, than carried by six, so to speak. And better for it not to get to that point at all, if that’s at all possible.

This document was jointly created by volunteer citizens in an effort to help these victims and to better inform the community of Vilcabamba and surrounding areas. If you have ANY information that could assist in this matter (or more generally, in respect of our regional crime situation moving forward) … the community would obviously very much welcome your input.

Some thoughts about this home invasion and the security situation in the Vilcabamba area:

  1. Home invasions are not new in the Vilcabamba area. Every few years, there seems to be a new wave of home invasions. Some people claim that in 2023, a new home invasion occurred every two weeks.
  2. The violence of this home invasion is remarkable. Previously, there were also sometimes violent home invasions in the Vilcabamba area, but this one is clearly a new low, aside from the home invasion during which an expat was shot dead last year.
  3. The attackers had a hostile attitude. The fact is that some locals have little regard for expats. One possible reason is that Vilcabamba has a very high percentage of expats, which has led to high housing prices in the area. There are, of course, locals who profit from this, but there are also many locals for whom owning a home has become too expensive. Additionally, there is little integration of expats into the local community.
  4. A possible taxi driver is mentioned as an accomplice. Taxi drivers in Ecuador are often involved in criminal activities. It is therefore advisable never to give your exact home address to a taxi driver. Never let a taxi stop exactly at the place where you live. Only walk to your house once the taxi is out of sight.
  5. It is not surprising that in this case, the police were passive and did not conduct a thorough investigation. This is a known problem in Ecuador. One possibility is that the police are somehow involved in these robberies.
  6. The author suggests that locals actively seek contact with expats and befriend them to profile them. This is certainly a possibility. Therefore, it is important to be careful about sharing sensitive information and inviting people into your home.
  7. The author provides good preventive measures. These measures reduce the risk of becoming a victim of home invasions, but this is by no means a guarantee that nothing can happen. These home invasions are not crimes of opportunity but seem to be well-prepared.
  8. A safer alternative to the Vilcabamba area is the Yunguilla Valley, south of Cuenca. The climate and landscape are similar. While the Vilcabamba area is popular among wealthy people from Loja, Yunguilla is popular among wealthy people from Cuenca. Unlike the Vilcabamba area, home invasions are not a problem in the Yunguilla area. There are virtually no reports of home invasions in the Yunguilla Valley.



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