News StoryAvenue MIA
Johan Klok

Update on the North Bypass

During a press conference, Cuenca's Mayor Cristian Zamora invited various professionals, associations, and consortiums to present projects for the construction of the new North Bypass (Circunvalación Norte).

The Circunvalación Norte is a proposed 40 km long northern and western bypass around Cuenca, designed to alleviate congestion, reduce travel times, and connect new areas to the city. The bypass will stretch from the Guangarcucho sector east of Cuenca to Victoria del Portete south of Cuenca. Refer to the image below for the projected route of the road.

The Municipality of Cuenca has conducted studies on the bypass dating back to 2005-2009 and 2014. Mayor Zamora has asked interested parties to specify whether the project should be executed through a public or private partnership, or through a consortium.

Source: El Nuevo Tiempo.



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