Electricity is provided by Centro Sur. Power outages were rare in Cuenca until recently. However, in 2024, there were several months with scheduled daily interruptions, lasting up to 16 hours per week.Currently, there are no power interruptions in Cuenca. See our Alerts to stay updated.
In most homes in the Cuenca region, people need gas to heat water and to cook. Cities and villages in the Cuenca region have no gas pipelines to deliver (natural) gas. Modern condominium buildings have central gas systems, but if you are not living in such a building, you will need to buy gas cylinders.
Buying Gas Cylinders
Before buying a gas cylinder filled with gas, you need to be sure that you have an empty gas cylinder to give to the gas vendor. You can get empty gas cylinders at stores like Coral and AKÍ. An empty gas cylinder usually costs between $45 and $55. You can also get gas cylinders from gas vendors, but they ask for a higher price. Another option is to buy a gas cylinder via Facebook Marketplace.
Refilling Gas Cylinders
To refill an empty gas tank, you can order a full one using the AzuTaxi app. It's also possible to stop one of the distribution trucks driving around the city.