See and Do: Overview


The beach of Olón is one of the nicer ones in Ecuador. It's 150 m wide on low tide. Restaurants can be found on the boulevard along the beach.


OIón offers good surfing opportunities and it is one of the best places in Ecuador to learn to surf. The Escuela de Surf Olón offers surf classes.


The ocean is usually too rough for long-distance swimming in Olón.

Walking and cycling

Olón offers perfect opportunities for walking and cycling. Walking is possible on the beach and in the mountainous forest area east of Olón. Cascadas de Alex offers excursions to waterfalls in the forest area. You can cycle to surrounding towns (such as Montañita and Dos Mangas) and in the forest area.


The Sanctuary Blanca Estralla de la Mar on top of the cliff south of Olón gives goods views over the town and its surrounding areas.


Directly north of Olón, where the river flows into the ocean, is a sanctuary. South of the river between the ocean and the Ruta del Spondylus road is a lookout place with information about the birds that you can watch here. The forest east of Olón also houses numerous birds.