Average: 7.88Compare
Accessibility: 7.00GuideCompare
Climate: 8.50GuideCompare
Spring-like weather
Cost of Living - On a Budget: 8.50GuideCompare
Cheap housing
Cheap food
Cheap utilities
Cost of Living - Comfortable: 7.00GuideCompare
Crime and Safety: 8.00GuideCompare
Many reports of muggings
Eating and Drinking: 8.00GuideCompare
Large variety of restaurants
Education: 8.00GuideCompare
Bilingual schools available
English Proficiency: 8.00GuideCompare
Entertainment: 8.00GuideCompare
Many cinemas
Several theaters
Environment: 7.00GuideCompare
Healthcare: 8.00GuideCompare
Several of the best hospitals in South-America
Housing: 7.50GuideCompare
Various housing options
Internet: 8.00GuideCompare
Internet is fast
Look and Feel: 7.00GuideCompare
Natural Disasters: 8.00GuideCompare
No significant risk on natural disasters
Nightlife: 8.50GuideCompare
Vibrant nightlife
Public Transportation: 9.00GuideCompare
Excellent network of metros, trams and cable cars
See and Do: 8.00GuideCompare
Medellín has several interesting attractions
Shopping: 8.25GuideCompare
Large, modern shopping malls
Foreign stores such as IKEA
Utilities: 8.00GuideCompare
Gas via pipelines
No power outages
Walkability: 7.00GuideCompare